What Are The Most Powerful Backlinks? 9 Must-Know Backlinks

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What Are The Most Powerful Backlinks

So, what are the most powerful backlinks? If this question doesn’t appear important to you, then you’re not into SEO or own a website. Or, you have a website, but unfortunately, you’re not ready to outrank your competitors. We hope you’re not in any category, by the way. 

Why do I say so? Link building is essential in every optimization campaign. Backlinks are not obsolete. Instead, they will remain relevant for years to come.  

Something is wrong if you invest in link building and you don’t see any marked improvement in your website ranking, traffic, and even sales. 

There is a chance your links aren’t from a reliable or genuine source. You or the agency handling your link-building project must have gotten the backlinks from spammy, low-quality, and niche-irrelevant sources.

But we can help if you let us! We’re Outreach Link Agency, a professional platform established to help new and existing businesses acquire high-quality backlinks to boost ranking, traffic, brand awareness, online reputation, and sales.  

Here are powerful backlinks we can help you acquire. 

1: Editorial Backlinks:

Editorial links are powerful backlinks. They’re not easy to obtain but can have a real positive impact on your website. 

So, what are editorial links? They refer to links obtained when a blogger or webmaster writes a top-quality post about your website and inserts a link in the article that directs to your website.  

The purpose of writing the post and inserting a link to your site is to help promote your site. It can also boost your brand’s credibility. 

Editorial links improve your online reputation and can motivate people that read about you on other platforms to visit your website to learn more about you and what you offer.

So, editorial links can improve organic traffic to your website. Anyone that clicks on your link to the article published on other platforms will eventually land on your website. 

Besides traffic, editorial links can improve your website’s position on SERPs. Their impacts can be that massive.

You can also create editorial links via other means. An example is when your texts, images, videos or infographics are mentioned as the source of information on other platforms, with a link inserted in your website name used as anchor text. Furthermore, you generate an editorial link when a business representative is quoted.    

You can acquire editorial links by following a few steps, though the process can be tricky. 

However, you can follow the steps below to get natural editorial links.

  • Monitor your competitor’s editorial links
  • Create content that will sweep your readers and competitors off their feet.
  • Update your content – Google search engine loves it. 
  • Reference another company
  • Establish content with content writers and editors from your local publications.
  • Finally, be open to interviews. 

2: Guest Posts:

When we say Guest posts, guest posting, or guest blogging, we mean the same thing. Guest posting is another powerful link-building strategy. It can boost your search ranking, traffic, brand credibility, and awareness like any link-building strategy you know.

Guest blogging takes time and effort. I agree. But it is the most powerful link-building strategy, and Google also places high value on links acquired via guest posting. 

Here is how guest posting works.

Firstly, you identify a niche-relevant and authority site. Niche relevant means the site and yours cover a similar subject matter. 

The next step is sending your pitch to the website owner via email or the contact page on the website. Some websites are like that. They let you contact the admin via the site by filling in the relevant details on the website’s contact page.   

Send a strong pitch to the website owner and ensure the wordings are strong enough to convince the admin or site owner to give you a chance. 

You should research before pitching to any website. Check the website thoroughly to ensure it hasn’t published any content on the topic you want to write about.   

A Handy Tip: Endeavor to use a branded email address. In other words, the email address should include your brand name or email address. 

When you send in your pitch via a branded email address, the receiver or site owner will be more compelled to treat your pitch as one from an authentic website. 

Wait for approval or further instructions from the site owner to build your content. However, there is nothing wrong if you prepare the content before receiving approval from the site owner.   

Here are some useful guest posting tips: 

  • Your pitch should be strong and include topic ideas. 
  • Review your proposed guest posting sites before sending your pitch. When you scout the site, check if they have published on the topic you want to write on. 
  • Edit your content ruthlessly and ensure it is 100% unique before turning it in. 
  • Your content should serve three purposes: inform readers, add value to the publishing site, and compel people to visit your site.    
  • Finally, ensure the publishing site is worth all the stress and trouble you have been through to give them valuable content. In other words, the site should be non-spammy, high authority and niche-relevant.   

Guest posting is a manual link-building strategy. And one thing I like about it is that it lets you get an idea of the site’s authenticity. You can identify spammy websites and good ones and choose the latter.    

At Outreach Link Agency, our experience in guest posting is unmatched. We help you acquire high-quality and valuable backlinks from niche-relevant sites via guest posts. Just give the go-ahead, and we will kick-start your link-building project immediately. 

3: Niche Edits: 

A niche edit is another must-know link-building strategy. It will boost your SEO effort and help you improve on SERP. 

What do niche edits entail?  

This backlink-building strategy involves contacting and urging websites and authors to link your content to theirs. 

The intriguing thing about niche edits is that you don’t create fresh content. Rather, you can embed your link in existing content on another website.   

Here are tips for niche-edit link building to consider:

  • Publish high-quality content. 
  • Be ready to convince the website owner that your content will add value to their website
  • Choose the right anchor text
  • Ensure the website you’re publishing your link isn’t spammy  

4: Guest Post Bio Links:

You’ll discover links in the author bio when you go through most websites that accept guest posts. It wasn’t like the author wanted the link in his or her bio; most times, it’s the website owner’s request.

Guest post bio links refer to links inserted in the author bio and not in the body of the content. However, this doesn’t mean the link won’t have as much impact as other parts of your content. It will have a similar impact SEO-wise. 

Guest post bio link is a valuable link-building strategy. But you can only achieve better results when you place your link on authority and niche-relevant sites. 

5: Links From Broken Link Building:

Broken link building is one of the most used niche edit strategies, and it’s effective too. 

What does this link-building strategy entail? It involves finding broken pages on the web and asking the website owner to replace the dead link with yours. 

Simply, it involves scouting the web for dead pages or links that lead to dead pages. Once you find one, you can inform the website owner about the dead link on a particular webpage. Then offer them a link from your website to replace the broken link. 

Website owners fully know the risks of sending visitors to a dead page. So, many will accept your request, provided your content is high-quality. In other words, the content on the page whose link you’re sharing should be top quality. 

Broken link building is also called dead “dead link building.” It’s the 404 page you see when you click on the links on most web pages. 

Are broken links powerful backlinks? Yes, they are. Here are the reasons I cherish broken links. 

  • Broken links can offer instant improvement to your website’s SEO 
  • The website you published your link to will also benefit. By the way, you helped the site to identify a dead link on their website and provided an active one. 

 6: Webinar Backlinks:

You can build powerful backlinks via webinars. For the record, webinar backlinks are powerful and can massively impact your site’s SEO.  

So, start planning your first webinar. And note that when you create webinars, you create an avenue to acquire powerful backlinks. Your visitors will learn valuable ideas from your webinar too. This explains why you should do everything necessary to create high-quality and valuable webinars. 

If your webinar is top-notch, high-quality, niche-specific and authoritative, websites may want to publish them on their platforms and give you credit. More and more websites will publish your webinar, and you’ll build a healthy backlink profile over time. 

7: Press Release Backlinks From Newsworthy Sites:

Press release backlinks are valuable backlinks. In addition, you’re getting these backlinks from press release sites which are high-quality sites too. And press releases let you create a buzz around your brand. 

You can reach new audiences via press releases because these sites rank high on SERP and receive massive organic traffic. You will also get to build a healthy backlink profile via press releases. 

Quick tips for writing press releases:  

  • Identify high-quality and non-spammy press release sites
  • Write clear and captivating headlines
  • Get rid of industry jargon
  • Remain unbiased and honest
  • Don’t skip your location and date of publishing
  • Sign off appropriately

8: Badge Backlinks:

The badge backlinks are a different kind of backlink. But one thing that sets them apart is the mutual benefits they offer. 

You can acquire badge backlinks by implementing a badge program on your site. In this case, you must create a special award for a brand you collaborated with.

When you create an award for brands, many will publish it on their website. Furthermore, they may insert a link from your website in the award.  

Here is an example of how badge backlink works:

Panama Inc. (not a real name), an online e-learning platform, creates a partnership program for its customers. The program offers an award to participants at the end of the training. Participants, mostly agencies, receive an award to confirm that they participated in the training. 

An agency may want to prove that they are certified by Panama. Thus, they may place the award badge on their websites and insert a link to Panama. 

A Handy Tip: You can list all the companies you have worked with and create a unique badge for them. Then insert your website’s link in those badges.  

9: Free Tool Backlinks:

You can build backlinks via free tools. How does it work? 

Firstly, create a free tool, and that’s it. It can be as simple as a calculator or software. Just create a free tool that will be valuable to users. 

If your tool is valuable, other websites will mention and link to it. Before you know it, you’ll acquire plenty of high-quality backlinks.

Can you get backlinks via paid tools? It’s not that simple. The best approach is to create a free version of the paid tool so that those who don’t have money can try the free tool. 


So, these are the most powerful backlinks. The list includes guest posting, niche edits, broken links, press release backlinks, badge backlinks, free tools, and others. 

Building backlinks can profit your new or existing website more than you can imagine. But then, the process takes time and effort. 

If backlinks are difficult and time-consuming, how are online businesses acquiring them? Most of your competitors are getting backlinks via the help of proven link-building agencies, and we’re one of them. 

We’re Outreach Link Agency, a business established to help new and existing websites build healthy backlink profiles. We have a dedicated team of link-building professionals ready to deliver any volume of backlinks. Contact us to kick-start your project.   

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